Friday, March 23, 2012

Mirror Neurons - We are in it "Together!"

I came across a very interesting video on today. In one instance it gave answers for many questions and many other observation I have stumbled upon through my life.

In the video V Ramachandran shares a simple finding about the mirror neurons which behave rather interestingly. They trigger the same experience in our brain as that of someone we are seeing or observing. For example, if I see Pooja touch Rahul's hand, the same neurons are triggered in my head as that of Rahul's. But  its only my skin and my nervous system that send's a signal to my mind that - "don't be so happy it is not your hand but rahul's" :). The implications are that if I didn't have skin then I would have felt exactly like rahul, and it wouldn't matter whether pooja touched my hand or rahul's hand. Or I can say there wouldn't have been two different people, we would all be the same - "One".

I know I have gone too far, and you have lost interest by now. So let me first share the video:

Now if I have been able to persuade you to watch the video, you might be interested in the list of questions I was talking about in the first line:

1. I have always felt happier when I was around a jovial person. I always asked the question - is it the company of happy people that brings happiness?
2. Why can't I restrain mysekf from crying in a sentimental scene by any great actor, when I don't want to and I know that the guy is just acting? :P
3.  How can people watch Sachin play over and over again? basically he is the same guy, playing the same shots, and it has been years and countless number of centuries and half centuries :P ( a fraction of what Sachin feels is more than enough for most of us)
4. I have also observed that being in a jovial mood and confident is more important in an interview than actually knowing answers to all the questions (every one likes a jolly person )
5. Last but not the least - why elders put so much of importance on being in the right "company"! :)

I am sure u also would have found some answers in the video above. Share you answers or simply share the video ;)