Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Don't Swim, just float!

Osho was reluctant to tell people what to do. He preached indulgence. He wanted people to break the barriers of religion, community, etc. and live their life the way they want to. He wanted people to use their unique ability to think and indulge. He didn't want religion and community to dictate life of people. He advocated the fact that each individual is unique and should have the liberty to pursue his own unique journey. Once Osho was forced to give his commandments and one of the things he said was "Don't swim, just float".

"Don't swim, just float" is not only a remarkable statement but also a bold one. Osho was always notorious for making seemingly offensive statements under the existing sets of paradigms, But I found most of them remarkable and thought provoking. It is a common belief that one has to be ambitious, disciplined and hard-working to be successful. And success is the key to happiness. Some how no one has the balls to ask the question "why only success brings happiness?".

To this one can argue ambitious and hardworking people are always worried about the future, instead of indulging in the joy of present. They are always worried about how well they are doing compared to their peers. Right from the childhood people are forced to perform. They have to top in their class, then work hard to clear a competitive examination only to find himself in even more fierce competition. Make more money than all his peers. Worry about the promotions. Having achieved all this he is now supposed to maintain some status and hold onto his power. Given the fact all journeys end at the same point, isn't it better to just float and enjoy what life has to offer on each day.

This is not an appeal to stop swimming :P Perhaps all osho want to say is:

1. Indulging in a joy can't be sinful, Because joy is a gift of nature.

2. If swimming gives you joy then swim, just don't swim because everyone else is swimming or some one is asking you to swim. But if floating gives you joy then there is nothing wrong with floating.

3. Don't be bogged down by the past and don't worry about the future, present is the reality make sure u derive maximum joy out of it .... :)


Unknown said...

The people whom you mentioned run after all these things are Type A personalities, and some of them get joy from achievement - so, I guess they should keep on swimming :-)

Aastha said...

I think whether Type A or B,whether intrinsically motivated or externally driven.There comes a point in everyone's life where you realise that probably what you thought will get you to happiness ..isn't the means to it.

So try floating..~~~ may be thats the means and the end too!!

Vidushi said...

btw u r swimming or floating when you forget my birthday(last 2 years u forgot and for next year also I dont see a hope)

avsc said...

How is that related to this vida???