Thursday, February 18, 2010

The art of creative copy!

Creativity is a gift which is bestowed upon a few in the world. I don't know why god has created thousands of intelligent or in fact extremely intelligent people in the world but he is apprehensive of creating a lot of creative people. The reason is perhaps in "khuda ki marzi" or to say "Bhagwan ki maya". Anyways being an IITian I have mastered the art of creative copy. Our degree is a proof of our mastery over creative copy. If anyone asks me what sets IITians apart from rest of the world, I would answer, it is the art of "creative copy"

What the fick is this art of creative copy???????

Its simple you copy, yet no one one comes to know it was a copy.....everyone thinks it is a product of a great analytic, synthetic, and a creative mind. It is quite useful in various context, from resume to examination, from interviews to client meetings, from goal setting in your organization to writing a SOP for MBA application, from BTech project to any other project report, from impressing a person to cracking a joke in your group of friends......etc etc

Life becomes easy and tension free, the moment you are faced with a new challenge just find collateral which is good enough to copy.

The realization of true value of "creative copy" happened to me in a moment when I saw MNIK. It was a moment of truth for me. I never imagined the same art could be exploited to create a blockbuster movie which grossed over 250 million Rs on day one. Karan johar did it ...... the maestro of "creative copy" :)If you want to do the same here are some tips!

Watch all the recent super-duper hit movies

Movie 1: Taare zameen par - Protagonist should suffer from a rare and mysterious disease and should have some extraordinary capabilities. (SRK suffers from Asperger's syndrome, a form of high-functioning autism that complicates socialization, yet he is extremely intelligent and can "repair almost anything")

Movie 2: 3 idiots: Protagonist helps everyone and uses his extraordinary capabilities to innovate in the pursuits. (SRK innovates only once in the entire film when there is water logging and doesn't seems to innovate when faced bigger challenge of meeting the president)

Movie3: Munna bhai MBBS: Protagonist helps people against all odds & fights for a cause. Ultimately creates a movement with huge fan following. & the heroin should fight for the injustice done to her beloved ones.

Movie 4: Slumdog Millionaire: There is something about protagonist from slums, who ends up getting all the media attention in the end.

I am sure there are other movies which I have missed here but these are all the hit movies I have seen....... I guess this much should help! Any more additions to illustration above are most welcomed :)

Long live creative copy!


Shahzad wakeel said...

nice analyses!

Anonymous said...

"the 'heroin' should fight for the injustice done to her beloved ones."

Heroin is it?